
世界各國迅速採用並完善了 ogy。地球不再需要依賴化學燃料。全世界都採用反重力發動機作爲新的主要動力來源。在故事最初播出時,並沒有明確說明人類與外星文明首次接觸。然而,只要問一問就知道是這樣了!

現在是 2022 年 8 月,在這個平行宇宙中,人類與外星文明進行了第一次接觸。人類遇到的第一個外星種族是自稱爲“一星人一星人(Ichinokibito ichinokibito)”的那須比外星人。 2021 年,一羣 Nasubi 外星人向地球發射了載人導彈。他們沒有遇到任何抵抗,並聲稱擁有這個星球的所有權。地球的軍事力量在這個時候是不存在的。所有的資源都用於開發“微傳送”,讓人類可以在月球上建立一個空間站,前往太陽系的其他行星。與納蘇比外星人簽訂了條約。外星人開始改造火星和金星,而地球改造水星。

然而,到 2032 年,外星人發現了天王星和海王星。這兩個行星比火星和金星更適合進行地球改造。因此,納蘇比外星人決定接管這兩顆行星。由於外星人在技術上更勝一籌,我們的英雄和女英雄的抵抗無處可去。然而,日本政府決定停止與外星人合作,準備對冥王星另一邊的納蘇比母星發動襲擊。 2036年,日本政府工程師設計出量子通信的突破口。根據這一突破,他們提出了關於物質質量守恆的理論。到 2036 年 12 月,他們已將這一理論應用於傳送,到 2037 年 5 月,他們開發了一種反物質傳送系統。 2040年,這個傳送系統被日本政府秘密成功地測試和完善。它被認爲是完美的。


ogy was adopted and refined rapidly by nations all over the world. Earth no longer needs to rely on chemical fuels. The whole world adopts anti-gravity engines as a new main source of power. During the original airing of the story, it wasn't explicitly stated that mankind made first contact with an alien civilization. However, one need only ask to see that this was the case!

It's now August 2022. In this parallel universe, mankind has made first contact with alien civilizations. The first alien race humans encountered was the Nasubi Aliens who called themselves the " 一星人 一星人(Ichinokibito ichinokibito)". A group of Nasubi aliens had sent manned missiles to Earth in 2021. They encountered no resistance and they claimed ownership over this planet. Earth's military power was nonexistent at this time. All of the resources went into developing "Micro Teleportation", so mankind could build a station on the Moon to travel to other planets in the solar system. A treaty was signed with the Nasubi Aliens. The aliens get to terraform Mars and Venus, while Earth gets to terraform Mercury.

However, by 2032, the aliens discovered Uranus and Neptune. The two planets are much more suitable for terraforming than Mars and Venus. Thus, the Nasubi Aliens decide to take over the two planets. Since the Aliens were superior technologically, our heroes' and heroines' resistance went nowhere. However, the Japanese government decides to stop cooperating with the aliens to prepare an assault on the Nasubi home planet on the other side of Pluto. In 2036, the Japanese government engineers devise a breakthrough in quantum communication . According to this breakthrough, they come up with a theory about the mass conservation of matter. By December of 2036, they had applied this theory to teleportation and by May of 2037, they had developed an anti-matter teleportation system. In 2040, this teleportation system is secretly and successfully tested and refined by the Japanese government. It was deemed perfect.

This is the timeline you're living in. Mankind didn't give up. We've spent half a century and all of our money to develop anti-matter teleportation. We're the only nation on Earth able to fight" …
